Embracing the Chill: How a Cold Shower Routine Builds Resilience and Mental Toughness


Building mental toughness with cold showers

(Japanese follows English)

13 degrees Celsius, for one minute, from head to toe, showering myself with cold water, every morning after my workout…

I’ve been following this routine for about a year now. Not only to enhance my physical and mental wellbeing, but I also believe it strengthens my resilience and mental toughness, enabling me to overcome any challenges in life.

The reasons behind this routine are numerous:

  1. Improved circulation: After taking the shower, I feel hot and energized.
  2. Mood elevation: It makes me alert a while, but afterward, I feel up and running.
  3. Wakefulness: It really wakes me up!
  4. Metabolism boost: After taking cold showers for a long period, I’ve noticed that my core temperature has slightly increased.
  5. Reduced inflammation: I used to get injured from excessive workouts, but a properly regulated workload by Fitbod, combined with the cold shower, has resulted in fewer injuries.
  6. Healthy skin and hair: Soon after starting this practice, my wife noticed that my facial skin has become clearer.

Yes, this practice benefits me physically and emotionally. But I also do this because I believe in the power of metaphor. If I face a challenging situation and conquer it, that becomes my triumph.

That experience becomes ingrained and integrated into my core belief.

Believe me, taking a cold shower in a winter morning is harsh, even in Japan.

It’s that cold, and yes, it is painful.

But if I face it and overcome it, that becomes metaphorically my victory over the challenge.

With these experiences, when I encounter new challenging situations in business or private life, I consciously or subconsciously recall the moment of triumph, which has been continuously building my self-confidence and preparing me for new challenges.

It’s challenging when I have to give a big presentation before large audience in business.

It’s challenging when I have to sell a new idea to corporate executives.

It’s challenging when, even if you feel inadequate with your English proficiency, you have to attend a meeting with lots of breakout discussions.

But in those moments, I instantly pull from my belief in self-confidence and get through it. That powerfully propels me towards faster growth.

So if you want a habitual routine at your fingertips that enhances your mental muscles to face challenges, I recommend you to reap the benefits of a cold shower. If you don’t choose this practice, I still recommend you to experience some uncomfortable actions intentionally. Doing so will build your emotional and mental muscles to face any obstacles that will surely arise in your life.





  1. 血行改善: シャワーを浴びた後、身体が熱くエネルギッシュに感じます。
  2. 気分の高揚: シャワーの間は緊張していますが、その後、私はエネルギーが出てくる感じがします。
  3. 覚醒: 目覚めます!
  4. 代謝の向上: 長期間冷水シャワーを浴びていると、私の基礎体温がわずかに上がったと感じています。
  5. 炎症の軽減: 以前は過度なワークアウトで怪我をすることがよくあったのですが、Fitbodにより適切に調整された負荷と、冷水シャワーの組み合わせのお陰で、怪我が少なくなりました。
  6. 健康な肌と髪: この冷水シャワーの習慣を始めてからすぐに、嫁さんから、突然、顔の肌がきれいなったねと言われました。

















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